McDonald’s restaurant in Brest

This restaurant was designed by order of the Unitary Enterprise “KSB Victory Restaurants”, the design work was completed in January 2019. The building itself is a typical McDonald’s, with an easily recognizable exterior and an equally familiar kitchen. The facade is decorated in a corporate color scheme with calm, natural tones.

There is also a McDrive here

– the ability to buy food without leaving the car. The entrance to the parking lot and to the order and delivery windows is from Oktyabrskaya Revolyutsii Street, which is convenient for passing travelers who leave the Polish border past the city on the M1 highway. After a few hours in the car, the familiar food point is just what you need.

In general, the restaurant is located in a place with good accessibility both from the city center and from the Kovalevsky district. It perfectly complemented the local center of public attraction, which is formed by the Grebnoy Canal complex, Mix supermarket and Materik construction hypermarket.

Previously, this site was used irrationally – it was a parking lot with the site more than two meters below ground level: rather unsuccessful decision., so during the new construction, the site was aligned with the surrounding surface. In addition to the building itself and the parking lot, there are playgrounds, sports grounds with exercise machines for children and adults.

Проект был разработан ООО "БрестКАДпроект" в соответствии с ТНПА, действующим законодательством и соблюдением требований Заказчика. Сотрудники отличаются профессиональным подходом к работе, хорошей квалификацией и грамотным отношением к Заказчику. За время сотрудничества ООО "БрестКАДпроект" зарекомендовало себя как надежный партнер. Надеемся на дальнейшее плодотворное сотрудничество.
А. М. Зорко УП "КСБ Виктори Рестораны"

Сдача объекта состоялась осенью 2019 года – к празднованию 1000-летия Бреста.